Home NYC mayor puts $12 billion cost on migrant crisis, blames 'broken' national immigration system

NYC mayor puts $12 billion cost on migrant crisis, blames 'broken' national immigration system

NEW YORK — Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday sharpened his appeal for state and federal aid by presenting steep new cost projections for the tens of thousands of migrants in New York City’s care.

“If we don’t get the support we need, New Yorkers could be left with a $12 billion bill,” he said in a formal address to the public from City Hall.

The $12 billion is the estimate by summer of 2025 if the flow of migrants continues apace with current numbers, Adams said. Administration officials had previously forecast that the cost would reach more than $4 billion by next summer. The new estimation of $4 billion annually for three years, is a significant portion of the city’s budget that is currently $107 billion. By comparison, the NYPD’s annual budget this year is $5.8 billion.