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Building a firm foundation in deep tech, with the help of industry mentors

Building a firm foundation in deep tech, with the help of industry mentors

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In the first phase of the PowerX programme, trainees undergo four to six months of modular training comprising hybrid classes conducted by institutes of higher learning. Centred around a robust curriculum that has been designed in close collaboration with industry partners, tests and projects are administered at the end of each module to gauge trainees’ competencies. 

Phase two encompasses full-time on-the-job training, where mentors like Mr Chin step in to impart real-world skills. For instance, while traditional classroom settings may take a ground-up approach to coding, things are often done differently in the workplace. “Many a time, software developers do not write a new code from scratch,” Mr Chin explained. “By understudying the way we work, trainees pick up skills on how to extend or improve software products.”