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Cultivating agents of change for a more sustainable world

Cultivating agents of change for a more sustainable world

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In line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations, JCU is actively supporting the Ministry of Education’s target of a two-thirds reduction in net carbon emissions from the education sector by 2030, as well as the Singapore Green Plan 2030 agenda on sustainable development.

Prof Tan-Mullins, who also leads JCU Singapore’s Sustainability Working Group, which was established in April last year, said JCU’s commitment stems from the belief that a united societal effort is necessary to address global sustainability concerns and build a more inclusive and resilient future for the world.

“Universities are hotspots for innovation and learning, with the power to extend the impact to surrounding communities and society. By educating students and staff about what they can do for sustainability, we can cultivate change agents and drive progress across various SDGs,” she said.

To realise this vision, JCU leverages its research clusters – such as the Sustainability Research Cluster and the Ethics, Organisations and Society Research Cluster – to spearhead its multifaceted and interdisciplinary approaches in studying sustainability.