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How digital upskilling helped three jobseekers kickstart new careers

How digital upskilling helped three jobseekers kickstart new careers

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After delivering her son in 2007, Ms Tulasi decided to put her career on hold to recover her health and care for her child. Now 42, she made the momentous decision to restart her career in 2018.

On the advice of Workforce Singapore, she enrolled in NTUC LearningHub’s Java Developer course in 2020 to include an accredited certification in programming to her portfolio. The course equipped her with knowledge on Oracle and Spring Boot development frameworks, and honed her analytical and problem-solving skills.

Ms Tulasi chose the course as it built on the learning she pursued during her hiatus from the workforce. She had taken a web development course and engaged in her own self-learning to ensure that she was better prepared to re-enter the tech industry at the appropriate juncture.

In addition to the technical skills she picked up from the Java Developer course, she acquired critical core skills (soft skills) such as teamwork, time management and communication, which have proved useful in her current role as a software engineer in testing and production support. She secured the role in 2021 after completing the course and excelling at an internship at the same company that year.

“The skills that I gained helped me land the job. I’m now working on the Java application and I help users fix issues they may face at work,” said Ms Tulasi. “I am able to tap on my technical, problem-solving and analytical skills to resolve their issues. My communication skills allow me to better understand from clients what the issues are, gather the requirements and meet their needs in a timely manner.”

Ms Tulasi, who is looking forward to learning about different software applications, said that it is important to keep pace with change by being technologically savvy. Noting that the past decade has seen the rise of new technologies and new ways of working, she added: “To remain competitive, we must keep finding opportunities to upgrade ourselves. The course has given me an awareness of these changes in the industry and helped me to adapt to them.”