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Making an impact at any age: How youths can empower other youths

Making an impact at any age: How youths can empower other youths

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Inspired by her visit to Ende, Chuan Min decided to use the hongbao (red packet) money gifted by her grandparents to sponsor a child. “I visited the World Vision website and felt a connection with a girl called Almaz who had been waiting for a sponsor for more than a year.” 

Aged 11, Almaz is from Ethiopia. Chuan Min sent her an e-mail, in which she talked about her hobbies and asked about Almaz’s own. This exchange marked the beginning of Chuan Min’s personal sponsorship journey, and her friendship with Almaz. Beyond making a monthly contribution, Chuan Min volunteers as a tutor for disadvantaged children in Singapore.


For Andrea Chee, 16, World Vision showed her the profound impact poverty has on people’s lives. After attending a World Vision event, she also discovered that one of the staff members was herself a former sponsored youth – living proof that with the right support, a disadvantaged child can achieve her goals and give back to the community. 

For such positive change to take place, both the child and their community must be empowered in multiple areas, which World Vision has identified as: Livelihood and microfinance; child protection; education; water and sanitation; and health and nutrition. To help the community break out of poverty, World Vision assesses a community’s needs and implements intervention programmes across these sectors. 

“I’ve learnt that we have to take a multi-faceted approach to supporting the child and their community,” shared Andrea. 

With her hongbao money, Andrea started sponsoring Anushika from Lindula, Sri Lanka, and has also sent school supplies to her beneficiary.