Home gen y speaks Gen Y Speaks: Being an events manager has been challenging. Here's how my background in theatre helps

Gen Y Speaks: Being an events manager has been challenging. Here's how my background in theatre helps

Gen Y Speaks: Being an events manager has been challenging. Here's how my background in theatre helps

Ash Abdullah

Upon entering the world of Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE), it became clear to me that MICE, like theatre, takes an entire village to pull off. From those who set the vision for the event, to the marketing teams that spread the word to the right people, and the tech experts who enable everything to run smoothly, every role is crucial.

There are times when things can get hectic, especially when I have to manage multiple events simultaneously, but the feeling of pride and accomplishment I get when the event wraps up successfully makes it all worthwhile.

It reminds me of the long hours I used to spend at theatre rehearsals, culminating in enthusiastic applause from audiences. It soon became clear to me that when you are doing something you love, you are more than willing to put in the hours to ensure everything turns out perfect.

While applause from a crowd is rarely in the cards for coordinators, the satisfaction of seeing an event come together is akin to receiving a standing ovation on opening night.

One of the most impactful memories of my MICE career was at a pharmaceutical conference I helped organise here in Singapore.

Witnessing some of the world’s brightest minds come together to share about their game-changing innovations, each of which had the potential to save countless lives, I was struck by the realisation that this was only possible because of the work my team and I had poured into the event.

This was just one of many moments that motivate me to keep making a meaningful difference through my work.


No two events are the same, much like no two theatre performances are the same. Each event, like each stage performance, has its own unique story, challenges and triumphs.

Finding a career that is enjoyable and fulfilling isn’t easy, but I’ve learnt that unexpected fields can offer the best of both worlds.

Whatever journey you choose, the friendships forged along the way also make it a lot more meaningful – some of the people I crossed paths with during my theatre days remain some of my closest friends today.

If I could somehow send a message to my younger self who was torn between my dreams and reality, I’d say this: Life has a way of surprising you. Keep an open mind, embrace every opportunity, and you might find a path that not only aligns with your passion, but also offers a world of experiences you never imagined.


Ash Abdullah, 29, is a project manager and event organiser at International Conference Services.