Home gen y speaks Gen Y Speaks: How my journey to find a new purpose in life took me from being a tech geek to a preschool principal

Gen Y Speaks: How my journey to find a new purpose in life took me from being a tech geek to a preschool principal

Gen Y Speaks: How my journey to find a new purpose in life took me from being a tech geek to a preschool principal

Puvaneswary G Tanagopal

One surprising aspect of this journey was the realisation that I am still able to put my previous work experiences to good use.

My computer skills found a home in preparing documents for the childcare centre, adding a technical edge to my current role. My problem-solving skills translated seamlessly into the classroom as I helped preschool children and teachers navigate the challenges they encountered.

For example, we employ an open and transparent communication between the teachers and parents, which helps when conflicts occur.

Just as it was in my former company that was undergoing a merger, clear communication, when done in a constructive manner, will lead to better understanding and collaboration among everyone involved.


I completed the programme in 2017, and with it, I achieved a professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education. It was a moment of immense pride for me to accomplish such a feat at 30.

With my newfound knowledge and passion, my career in early childhood took flight. I started as an English teacher that same year.

As the years passed, I continued to grow and evolve in this field, taking on more responsibilities and mentoring new educators who were just beginning their journey.

It was thrilling to be part of a child’s first formal learning experience.

Earlier this year, I reached a milestone I could have never imagined back when I was crunching numbers and managing finances.

As I sit down to reflect on my journey, I know my career has taken an unorthodox path, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It was a hard decision to leave my comfort zone doing something that I was familiar with, and to explore a new world in childhood development. But looking back, it was also one of the most rewarding choices I’ve made. 

Each day, I wake up knowing that I can make a difference in the lives of these young children, to nurture their curiosity and instil in them the love of learning that may serve them for a lifetime.