Home gen y speaks Gen Y Speaks: I used to think my art wasn’t good enough, until I learnt what it meant to people

Gen Y Speaks: I used to think my art wasn’t good enough, until I learnt what it meant to people

Gen Y Speaks: I used to think my art wasn’t good enough, until I learnt what it meant to people

Samara Gan


Even then, imposter syndrome struck me again because I remember being terrified of the reviews.

My art style was simple, unlike the elaborate drawings with intricate details that I’ve seen in manga and western comics. Will people like my book? Will they think my art is too childish?

Will they think I’m too picky, too confident, or too geeky to find a partner? What if one of the dates in the book recognised me?

What if I was cancelled?

Whenever a new review came up, I got my friends to read them first before I even dared to take a glance. So, when readers started telling me how much the book resonated with them, I was taken by surprise.

The book turned out to be a bestseller at Kinokuniya in the comics category for two whole weeks. The Straits Times called it “a charmingly relatable dive into the woes of modern dating” and gave me a five-star review.

What struck me most from this experience was the small interactions with readers. For example, I once received a heartwarming note from a reader that said “You are deserving of love too”.

I realised that this is why I make art, and it is to connect with people.


That is why I still continue to participate in art events where I get to meet people, because it constantly reminds me that I’m part of something which can inspire others to keep chasing their dreams.

As such, I’m an exhibitor at the Singapore Comic Con this year once more.

But when I heard that the phrase “Make It Here” was the theme for this year’s Singapore Media Festival, which the Comic Con is a part of, I couldn’t help feeling that same niggling feelings of self-doubt.

I wondered: Could I even say if I’d “made it” yet?

Over the years, I still have yet to completely put aside my imposter syndrome, which I have accepted will always loom over me.

When I look back at my old art, for example, I still cringe at my feeble attempts at drawing human anatomy. But I have since learnt to take such feelings in my stride by being proud of what I’ve achieved.