Home singapore Adulting 101: How feasible is a mid-career switch? It takes sacrifice and courage, say those who've done it

Adulting 101: How feasible is a mid-career switch? It takes sacrifice and courage, say those who've done it

Adulting 101: How feasible is a mid-career switch? It takes sacrifice and courage, say those who've done it

Low Youjin

Journalist-turned-veterinarian Amanda Tan recounted how she was constantly visiting the vet at one point because her pet cat was ill.

Dr Tan, 34, said that she was not only impressed with how knowledgeable the vet was, but she also found it meaningful that the profession involved helping anxious “pet parents” such as her.

Inspired, she left the world of journalism in her mid 20s and is now a veterinary surgeon at the Gentle Oak Veterinary Clinic along Ghim Moh Road.