Home singapore When a child mistreats or abuses animals, is it a sign of something more troubling?

When a child mistreats or abuses animals, is it a sign of something more troubling?

When a child mistreats or abuses animals, is it a sign of something more troubling?
Mental health experts said that any incident of animal maltreatment by children should not be waved off as child’s playThey also warned adults against reacting in anger, physically punishing or intimidating the child when they catch children mistreating animalsUnderstanding why a child is behaving badly towards pets or animals is key to changing the behaviourDevelopmental disorders and children being abused themselves are among some of the reasons why older children abuse animals

By Eveline Gan Published September 30, 2023 Updated September 30, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

The first time I walked in on my nephew chasing the family’s pet cat around the house, my first reaction was to tell him not to do that.

Given a talking-to for “disturbing” the cat, he stopped but went back to doing the same after a while. Around five or six years old at the time, he had seemed oblivious to the cat’s distress.

The cat, being swift and nimble, was not harmed, although my nephew got scratched once.

Was he being mischievous and curious about how the cat would react to his chasing? Or was his behaviour suggestive of something more concerning? Was I right in trying to discipline him?

I did not think that my nephew had malicious intent, but I could not help my own nagging feeling: When children behave in an unruly manner towards animals, when should the adults in their lives worry?

In the last few years, there have been cases of animal cruelty by children and youth that made the news.

Among these was a 10-year-old boy who threw a community cat off a public housing block. The cat died.

In a separate case, a 19-year-old, who pleaded guilty and was given a community sentence for several offences such as trespassing a rhino enclosure at the Singapore Zoo and killing a live frog on a foosball table.

In April this year, a teenaged boy was arrested for committing an obscene act on a cat.

Figures by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) showed that the number of animal welfare and cruelty cases was at its highest last year since 2020.

In total, there were 481 cases in 2020, 324 in 2021 and 511 last year.

In the same period, there was a seven-fold increase in the number of cases involving child and youth animal abusers.

Of the total cases reported, there was one case each in 2020 and 2021 that involved youth (under the age of 21), but there were seven such cases last year.

SPCA said that the numbers reflect cases that had enough evidence of animal abuse and exclude suspected cases with inconclusive evidence.

The absolute number of cases involving a child or teenager may seem low, but Ms Aarthi Sankar, executive director of SPCA, said that “a single case is arguably one too many, especially among this young age group”.

She observed that the common ways in which animal abuse was carried out included:

Inflicting penetrating injuries such as slashing and cuttingCausing blunt force trauma to the animal such as by throwing it from a height, slamming it on a hard surface, stamping on it or tying it with a rope-like implementInflicting burns by fire or hot water

Acts of animal cruelty and abuse are never acceptable no matter the perpetrator’s age. However, I cannot help but wonder if such cases could have been prevented if the adults in these young people’s lives had stepped in earlier to intervene.

At the same time, I was also appalled by the intense public vitriol and threats against some of the young culprits. For example, online users called for the 10-year-old to be taught a similar painful lesson and to be jailed, with some threatening to throw him off the building.

How helpful would retributive justice be in addressing the complex psycho-social aspects involved in children who commit such acts?


Mental health experts I spoke to said that any incident of animal maltreatment by children must always be addressed and not waved off as child’s play or curiosity.

However, they also pointed out that reacting to the child’s wrongdoing in anger, or physically punishing or intimidating the child would be counterproductive and may even perpetuate the circle of violence.

Dr Cherie Chan, president of the Singapore Psychological Society, said that it is important to distinguish between the types of cruelty to determine how best to intervene.

For example, is there deliberate intention to hurt the animal or is it a case of neglect such as forgetting to feed the pet?

Dr Chan is a clinical psychologist with The Other Clinic, a private practice.

She said: “Educating the child on the importance of relating and respecting living relationships could help reduce neglectful behaviours.

“For deliberate acts of cruelty, it may be helpful to talk about why it occurred and to understand if there are associations in the home or school environment that may have encouraged the display of aggression.”


When asked how to tell the difference between a child’s curiosity and intentional abuse, Ms Sankar from SPCA said that there are several considerations: The type of action, how long it has been going on, intention and the child’s response to signs of distress from the animals.

“For the type of action, there is a clear difference between a child who pokes a cat’s belly with a finger to elicit a reaction, and a child who tries to drive a pair of scissors into the cat’s belly.”

Certain tools, such as a pair of scissors, are almost always used to cause destruction, she said.

“Children who have been exposed to these implements, such as in school, can reasonably be expected to know the dangers of using them and hence understand the injury they can inflict. This knowledge increases their culpability beyond mere curiosity,” she added. 

A child who repeats the action, especially if the animal shows distress, is also more likely to be intentionally cruel than curious.

“However, this is based on the assumption that the child can accurately read the body language of the animal.

“The ability to read such cues tends to be lower among young children and children with certain disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder,” Ms Sankar added.


1. Sign up for educational events and programmes

These would be those that cover topics such as animal welfare and responsible pet ownership.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) offers youth engagement programmes such as the Youth Ambassador Programme for children aged seven to 16. There is also an upcoming youth animal welfare symposium in October to allow those above the age of 16 to engage in meaningful discussions surrounding animal welfare advocacy issues.

2. Make use of online resources

Check out resources from the National Parks Board (NParks) and the Animal and Veterinary Service on responsible pet care.These can be found on NParks’ website and YouTube channel as well as the AnimalBuzzSG Facebook page.

Other child-friendly online resources suggested by SPCA include the websites of National Geographic Kids website and the World Wildlife Fund.

3. Provide exposure

Building awareness and knowledge through resources should be accompanied by practical experiences that inspire empathy and compassion, SPCA’s executive director Aarthi Sankar said.

For example, parents may arrange for guided interactions where the child is guided to interact appropriately with an animal. During these sessions, parents or an informed adult may explain how to read an animal’s body language and respond in a way that is respectful of the animal’s needs and preferences.

4. Talk about it

In daily conversations, Ms Sankar suggested that parents may highlight the similarities between animals and humans so that their child begins to appreciate that animals are sentient beings who also feel pain and emotions.

SPCA, for example, has had two runs of an event where through the use of technology, the public is invited to feel what it is like to be an animal that is under distress.

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Dr Lim said that studies show a higher prevalence of animal cruelty in children with developmental delays, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder.

He once encountered a primary school boy with ADHD whose impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity affected the way he treated his pet dog. His parents were often frustrated with his behaviour and would physically punish him.

“When the boy became frustrated, especially after a run-in with his parents, he would often lash out at the dog, pulling its tail, hitting or screaming at it,” Dr Lim said.

The boy and his parents were referred to a child psychologist to work through the behavioural issues. Medications were given to help manage the boy’s impulsivity and hyperactivity.

The parents were also taught to manage their child’s behaviour with positive parenting techniques.

Over time, the child developed a healthier relationship with his pet and the abusive behaviour stopped, Dr Lim said.

“This case illustrates the complex interplay between a mental health issue, parenting difficulties and animal abuse.

“The boy’s behaviour was unacceptable but it was rooted in his struggle with ADHD and his parents inability to cope with his ADHD behaviour.”

With the right support and intervention, such situations can improve, he added.

“This emphasises the importance of understanding and address the underlying issues.”


In some cases, animal abuse by a child could also be a sign for child abuse or exposure to domestic violence.

In the case of the 10-year-old boy who threw the cat off a housing block for instance, he was placed on a “diversionary programme” conducted by the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS), after being assessed by a psychiatrist not to have attained sufficient maturity to understand the nature and consequences of his conduct and taking his age into account.

Ms Jessica Kwok, group director of AVS, said that the diversionary programme was assessed to be the most appropriate course of action in this case because the programme centres on rehabilitation, by getting the offender to understand animal welfare, how to care for animals, living with animals in the community, and why his actions were wrong.

After completing the one-month programme, the boy expressed regret and remorse over his actions, and apologised to the cat’s caregivers.

He was issued a stern warning from AVS, which will continue to work with his school to monitor his progress.

Ms Kwok said that this programme has been conducted before for offenders, with the curriculum of each programme tailored to the profile of the offender.


Ms Sankar said that continued support and guidance are pivotal in preventing youth from repeating such actions.

In the case of the 10-year-old boy above, for example, SPCA recommends regular follow-ups involving both the parent and the child on a quarterly basis to ensure that a robust support system is in place for the youth’s rehabilitation.

Collaborative efforts among the school, family and the authorities are essential in ensuring a comprehensive approach.

“In addition, we encourage vigilant neighbours to report any suspected animal abuse to the authorities or SPCA.

“By working together as a community, we can take necessary steps to prevent such tragedies from recurring,” Ms Sankar said.

Dr Lim stressed that it is crucial for parents and family to be involved in correcting abusive behaviour.

Parenting training — that is focused on positive parenting and limit setting aimed at helping children develop empathy — has been shown to be effective at improving anti-social behaviours such as animal abuse, he said.

In children, limit setting refers to the process where caregivers establish and communicate boundaries, rules and expectations to guide the child’s behaviour. It helps children understand what behaviours are acceptable and what are not, Dr Lim explained.

My nephew, now 10, is older and better able to rein in his impulsive behaviour. When we asked why he was chasing the cat around, he said that he had just wanted to play with it.

Still, we felt it was important to educate him on how to interact with animals. We explained how his actions were stressing the cat.

He has since learnt more appropriate ways to interact with it, for example, by gently stroking it on the head instead of touching areas such as the tail.

Recently, he worriedly informed me that the cat appeared to be having flu symptoms, and asked that I take it to a clinic for a check-up. Looking at his concerned face, I was relieved that he was showing concern for his pet.