Home singapore Male masseur among 6 men to be charged with molesting women, 3 cases at Marina Bay club

Male masseur among 6 men to be charged with molesting women, 3 cases at Marina Bay club

Male masseur among 6 men to be charged with molesting women, 3 cases at Marina Bay club
A 49-year-old masseur allegedly molested a 29-year-old woman at a massage establishment along Rochor Road in FebruaryHe will be charged with three counts of outrage of modestyHe is among six men, aged 22 and 58, who will be charged on Sept 22 with outrage of modesty in separate casesThree of the cases were at a nightclub on Bayshore Avenue in the Marina Bay area

By Sufiyan Samsuri Published September 21, 2023 Updated September 21, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — A 49-year-old masseur who allegedly molested a woman, 29, at a massage establishment along Rochor Road is among six men who will be charged on Friday (Sept 22).

In a media statement on Thursday, the police said that the incident occurred on Feb 1 this year and the man will be charged with three counts of outrage of modesty.

TODAY understands that the woman was his customer.

The other five men, aged between 22 and 58, will be charged for their suspected involvement in separate cases of outrage of modesty this year as follows:

On April 11, a 58-year-old man allegedly molested a 48-year-old woman at a bar along Sam Leong Road in Jalan Besar. The man will be charged with multiple counts of outrage of modesty as well as offences for unlawful stalking, criminal intimidation, voluntarily causing hurt, mischief and mischief with common intentionOn June 25, a 35-year-old man allegedly molested a 32-year-old woman at a club along Bayfront Avenue in the Marina Bay area. He will be charged with one count of outrage of modestyOn Aug 5, a 29-year-old man allegedly molested a 30-year-old woman at a club along Bayfront Avenue. He will be charged with one count of outrage of modestyOn Sept 2, a 22-year-old man allegedly molested a different 30-year-old woman at a club along Bayfront Avenue. He will be charged with one count of outrage of modesty

The three cases in the Marina Bay area were at the same nightclub.

In another case, sometime between 2012 and 2013, a then 20-year-old man allegedly molested a girl who was eight years old at the time.

This took place at her house on Simei Street. TODAY understands that the girl was known to the man.

The police said that they have zero tolerance towards sexual offenders who threaten the personal safety of those in the community, and offenders will be dealt with sternly in accordance with the law.

“The police will continue to work closely with various stakeholders such as public entertainment outlets, public transport operators and the community to prevent and deter outrage of modesty cases,” the police added.

“We would also like to urge members of the public to remain vigilant and to report the matter to the police immediately, if they witness an incident of outrage of modesty, or are aware of someone being a victim of outrage of modesty.”

The offence of outrage of modesty carries a jail term that may extend to three years, or a fine, or caning, or any combination of such punishments.

The offence of outrage of modesty against any person below the age of 14 carries a jail term of up to five years, or a fine, or caning, or with any combination of these punishments.