Home singapore Man, 20, pleads guilty to having sex with underage girl and getting younger stepsister to touch him as a teen

Man, 20, pleads guilty to having sex with underage girl and getting younger stepsister to touch him as a teen

Man, 20, pleads guilty to having sex with underage girl and getting younger stepsister to touch him as a teen
A 20-year-old pleaded guilty to commissioning a sexual act by a child, sexually penetrating a child under 14 and between the ages of 14 and 16He had asked his young stepsister to touch his penis, and also sexually penetrated his girlfriend when she was 12 and 14A judge called for a report to see if he is suitable for reformative training as a sentence 

By Loraine Lee Published October 11, 2023 Updated October 11, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — A 20-year-old man pleaded guilty on Wednesday (Oct 11) to a series of sexual crimes he committed, including incidents that happened when he was around 14 years old and involved his then five-year-old stepsister.

The accused, who cannot be named due to a court order protecting the victims’ identities, pleaded guilty to one count of commissioning a sexual act by a child, as well as one count of sexually penetrating a child under 14 years of age and for sexually penetrating a person above 14 years old but below 16.

Another three similar charges were taken into consideration.


Sometime between 2016 and 2017, the accused — who was then around 14 — was entrusted by his mother to take care of his younger siblings.

Part of his duties included showering his four- to five-year-old stepsister.

After showering her, he removed his pants and underwear and asked her to touch his penis.

Trusting her stepbrother, she followed his instructions. 

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Adelle Tai told the court that the accused asked his stepsister to do so on more than one occasion.

The girl made a police report on Jan 2 last year after recalling her stepbrother’s actions.


In September 2021, when the accused was around 17 years old, he sexually penetrated his girlfriend without using a condom at his home. The girl was 12 at the time.

He told his girlfriend that there were no adults at home and only his siblings were around. 

He then told her that she was pretty and asked her “want or not” in Malay.

When she asked him what he meant, he proceeded to touch her before sexually penetrating her.

For these two offences involving his underage girlfriend and stepsister, he was issued a 12-month conditional warning. Court documents did not state how the accused was found to have sexually penetrated his girlfriend.  

Conditional warnings typically contain the condition that the accused must remain crime-free for a period after its issuance. The authorities have the right to prosecute the individual for the original offence that he had been warned for, and also for any fresh offences committed.

The accused in this case later breached the warning sometime in August this year when he sexually penetrated his girlfriend who is now 14, DPP Tai said.

His deed came to light when KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital informed the police on Oct 6 that the victim was six weeks’ pregnant.

DPP Tai added that the 14-year-old is unsure whether to terminate or continue with her pregnancy.


In relation to sentencing, DPP Tai said that probation should not be considered because the accused has committed serious sexual offences.

Probation is usually offered to first-time offenders between the ages of 16 and 21 and does not result in a criminal record.

“When he committed these offences, the first victim was only four to five years of age while the second victim was only 12 years old,” she argued.

“He robbed them of their innocence and exposed them to his depraved world of sexual desires.”

The accused, was not represented by a lawyer, told the court that if he were given a second chance, he hopes to support his family and continue with his National Service (NS).

“My mother is incarcerated, and I have five siblings and two retired grandparents to care for,” he said, adding that his family’s only source of income is his NS allowance. It is not known how much is the allowance.

He also said in his mitigation plea that should the girl decide to keep their baby, he wanted to be present as a father to the child. He added that growing up, he never had a father figure and had to act as one for his younger siblings.

District Judge Carol Ling called for a suitability report for reformative training. 

Reformative training is a regimented rehabilitation programme for offenders under 21 who commit relatively serious crimes.

The accused is now in remand after pleading guilty and the next hearing is due on Nov 8.