Home singapore More showers expected for rest of October, bringing respite from warm weather: Met Service

More showers expected for rest of October, bringing respite from warm weather: Met Service

More showers expected for rest of October, bringing respite from warm weather: Met Service
More showers are expected for the rest of October, the Meteorological Service Singapore saidThis may bring some respite from the warm weather experienced in the first-half of the month, the weather agency addedIt may also improve the haze situation and reduce the likelihood of transboundary haze affecting Singapore

By Shynn Ong Published October 16, 2023 Updated October 16, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — More showers are expected for the rest of October, which may bring some respite from the warm weather experienced in the first half of the month, the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) said on Monday (Oct 16).

In its fortnightly outlook, MSS said that thundery showers are expected on most days in the next two weeks. Afternoon thundery showers are expected this week and will extend into the evening for a few days.

The weather agency added that short-duration thundery showers may also occur over parts of the island in the late morning and afternoon for the second half of the fortnight.

On the whole, MSS said it expects above-average rainfall in the second half of October.

With showers expected on most days, temperatures are likely to be lower compared to the first half of the month. Daily maximum temperatures are expected to range between 33°C and 34°C on most days, said MSS.

More showers are also forecast for the southern Southeast Asia region in the next two weeks, which may improve the haze situation and reduce the likelihood of transboundary haze affecting Singapore, the weather agency added.

The chance of the 24-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) reaching the unhealthy range in Singapore is low for the coming fortnight, MSS said.

In its review of the first-half of October, the MSS said that the weather was generally dry and warm, except for a few days when brief showers fell over Singapore.

“These conditions were due to suppressed rain cloud formation arising from a dry air mass moving over the surrounding region,” the weather agency said.

On Oct 7 and 8, smoke haze from forest fires in central and southern Sumatra were blown by prevailing winds to Singapore, resulting in hazy conditions with the air quality deteriorating into the unhealthy range over parts of the island.

The highest 24-hour PSI of 123 was recorded in the eastern part of Singapore between 8pm and 9pm on Oct 7.

MSS added that maximum temperatures rose above 34°C on most days in the first half of the month.

On Oct 9, temperatures exceeded 35°C in several parts of Singapore, with a scorching 36.3°C recorded at Admiralty. 

That was the highest temperature recorded in Singapore in the month of October, surpassing the previous record high of 35.7°C recorded on Oct 14, 2001 and Oct 13, 2019, MSS said.

Well-below-average rainfall was also recorded across the island in the first half of October, with Paya Lebar recording the “highest anomaly” of a 100 per cent below-average rainfall, the weather agency added.