Home singapore New fund aims to promote youths' 'active role' in shaping S'pore's heritage, with up to S$7,000 funding per project

New fund aims to promote youths' 'active role' in shaping S'pore's heritage, with up to S$7,000 funding per project

New fund aims to promote youths' 'active role' in shaping S'pore's heritage, with up to S$7,000 funding per project
A fund launched on Oct 26 will provide up to S$7,000 in funding to youths involved in projects on Singapore’s heritage The Young ChangeMakers — Youth Heritage Kickstarter Fund is an initiative of the National Heritage Board, its Youth Panel and the National Youth CouncilThey said in a statement that the grant is to encourage youths to contribute to the vibrancy and sustainability of Singapore’s heritage ecosystemThe agencies will also offer networking and mentorship opportunities as part of the grant 

By Nicole Lam Published October 26, 2023 Updated October 26, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — Youths involved in projects on Singapore’s heritage will now be able to tap a new fund that provides funding of up to S$7,000 per project. 

The Young ChangeMakers-Youth Heritage Kickstarter Fund was launched on Thursday (Oct 26) to encourage youths to contribute to the vibrancy and sustainability of Singapore’s heritage ecosystem.

The fund, an initiative of the National Heritage Board (NHB) and its Youth Panel as well as the National Youth Council (NYC), also hopes to build the capabilities of the next generation of heritage enthusiasts and encourage youths to develop and “implement heritage projects that are beneficial to the local community”. 

These projects can take on various forms, such as an exhibition, a guided tour programme, a talk, lecture and workshop or a temporary outdoor artwork installation. 

Successful applicants will receive funding of up to 80 per cent of supported costs for their projects, at a cap of S$7,000, depending on the merits of the project, NHB and NYC said in a joint press statement.

Along with the grant, NHB and NYC will provide further support by offering networking and mentorship opportunities for interested youth applicants to develop their skills and knowledge in conceptualising and implementing heritage projects.

“By providing youths with the necessary resources and support through our kickstarter fund, we hope to change the way youths engage with and experience heritage, grow our pool of youths in heritage and youths for heritage, and allow youths to have a more active hand in shaping the future of heritage in Singapore,” said Mr Alvin Tan, deputy chief executive (policy and community) at NHB. 

Encouraging survey results from youths 

NHB and NYC said that the grant is the direct result of an online survey launched by NHB and its Youth Panel from July to September 2023 to gather youth feedback and ideas for the upcoming Youth Heritage Blueprint. 

The blueprint, to be developed by NHB’s Youth Panel, will outline recommendations on how to strengthen and sustain youth interest and involvement in the heritage and museum sector, based in part on the survey findings. 

The survey, which polled more than 1,000 youths, found that three in 10 respondents were interested in starting and leading their own heritage projects. 

More than six in 10 respondents also said yes to being active participants in heritage-related activities, either through volunteering or through developing their own projects.

The respondents said examples of possible youth-led projects include exploring lesser-known histories and driving community-led efforts to make heritage relevant to and more accessible across neighbourhoods, generations, and cultures.

The respondents were also keen to present heritage through creative and interactive mediums to better engage youths and Singaporeans in general.

Ms Phoebe Pang, a member of the NHB Youth Panel, said that as a youth, she is “thrilled” at the news of the new fund.

“It will provide valuable opportunities and resources for youths to increase engagement and involvement with the heritage scene,” said Ms Pang, 22, who is also a former president of Nanyang Technological University history sub-club. 

“Youths play a vital role in the future of our heritage. This fund will enable us to maximise our potential and creativity, and to take ownership of our heritage by contributing our skills and ideas to celebrate our cultural legacy.”

Applications for the fund are open throughout the year and must be submitted at least eight weeks before the first Saturday of the project implementation month.

Interested youths between 15 and 35 years of age can submit their applications on the OurSG Grants Portal.