Home singapore #trending: Former presidential candidate Ng Kok Song’s 'Shield' health tips go viral worldwide

#trending: Former presidential candidate Ng Kok Song’s 'Shield' health tips go viral worldwide

#trending: Former presidential candidate Ng Kok Song’s 'Shield' health tips go viral worldwide
A TikTok video of former presidential candidate Ng Kok Song’s “formula” for staying mentally and physically fit has gone viralNamed Shield, the formula is an acronym for promoting sleep, handling stress, interaction with others, exercise, lifelong learning and diet managementThe video, originally posted in August, was recently featured on several overseas media outlets and has attracted more than 3.6 million views, 162,000 likes, and 1,428 commentsSome of the reports and comments however did not seem to be aware of his presidential bid or backgroundMr Ng revealed in his latest TikTok video that he adapted the acronym from its progenitor, Dr Rudolph Tanzi, who first coined the term in his neurology research

By Tan Ming Chuan Published November 2, 2023 Updated November 2, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — Former presidential candidate Mr Ng Kok Song’s “formula” for longevity has taken to the global stage in a massively viral TikTok video. 

A video posted by Mr Ng on his TikTok account on August 13 titled “The secret to staying healthy at 75” details his approach to staying mentally and physically fit in the later stages of life. 

“I have a formula, and the formula has got this acronym called Shield,” Mr Ng begins in the clip uploaded about four weeks after he announced his presidential bid.

“S — Sleep. Seven hours,” explains the 75-year-old former chief investment officer of sovereign wealth fund GIC. 

“H — How to handle stress?” he continues, citing meditation as an example.

Mr Ng explains that “I” stands for “interaction”, and promotes engaging in conversations and building relationships. 

“What’s the E? Exercise,” Mr Ng says, “Every day I either play a bit of tennis, a bit of golf. Nine holes of golf, I walk the course. I try to swim, and I do gardening.”

“Just do a bit of each, every day,” he adds. 

Mr Ng then reveals that he had been picking up video editing skills as an example of “L” for ‘learn”.

As for “D”, Mr Ng highlights the importance of regulating one’s “diet”, such as through the moderation of carbohydrate intake. 

“Low sugar, and plenty of fruits and vegetables,” he concludes. 

The video has attained international virality, attracting more than 3.6 million views, 162,000 likes, and 1,428 comments as of Thursday (Nov 2) afternoon, and was featured on overseas media outlets recently, such as Daily Mail in the United Kingdom and other lifestyle content sites. 

TODAY has reached out to Mr Ng for comment.