Home singapore ‘Smells like rotten fish, feels like a curse’: Pain, odour and isolation for people with rare skin disease

‘Smells like rotten fish, feels like a curse’: Pain, odour and isolation for people with rare skin disease

‘Smells like rotten fish, feels like a curse’: Pain, odour and isolation for people with rare skin disease
Generalised pustular psoriasis, while not contagious, is an incurable systemic skin disease that is potentially life-threateningBesides having painful pus-filled skin lesions, patients can also get sepsis or organ failure, if untreatedThe rare disease is often misdiagnosed, which can lead to delays in treatmentThose who turn to Traditional Chinese Medicine or home remedies may also hinder or worsen the condition Patients spoke of the excruciating pain, odour and isolation they experience to raise awareness of the disease

By Eveline Gan Published July 22, 2023 Updated July 22, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — When angry-looking red patches of skin first appeared on Ms Mei Yetti Roslan’s scalp and skin, her neighbours told her that she was “cursed”.

She was 16 then. At 49 years old now, Ms Mei said that the painful skin lesions she has been suffering from since young “still feel like a curse”.

“I believed it at the time because I was the only one (among friends, neighbours and relatives) who has it,” she said. 

The Singapore permanent resident, who is from Indonesia, has an autoinflammatory skin disease called generalised pustular psoriasis (GPP).

The incurable and potentially life-threatening condition is an acute and severe form of psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin disorder. It is not contagious.

When the disease flares up — usually suddenly and without warning — red, painful and blister-like sores bulging with pus take over large areas of the skin.

They itch, burn and hurt so bad that the slightest movement would feel excruciatingly painful.

For Ms Mei, who now works as an assistant teacher, the flare-ups can get so severe that she would need to be hospitalised. In 2019, she was admitted to the intensive care unit here due to complications from the disease.

Recalling the particularly severe episode in 2019, she said that her entire body and skin felt like they were burning.

“I would cry every night. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t move my body (because of the pain),” she told TODAY.

Earlier this month, Ms Mei and other patient advocates from the region raised awareness of the disease at a media roundtable discussion hosted by biopharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, at the World Congress of Dermatology Singapore 2023.

The event also showcased an art collection by Dutch designer Bart Hess that was inspired by the experiences of people living with GPP.

Dr Colin Theng, president of the Psoriasis Association of Singapore, said that once a person develops the disease, it is for life. There is no cure, although treatments can help control the symptoms.

Around 40,000 people are living with psoriasis in Singapore. Less than 1 per cent have this severe acute form.

Dr Theng is also a councillor with the International Psoriasis Council.


The exact cause of GPP is not known but it is believed to have a genetic component. Mutations in the IL-36RN gene have been found to be associated with the disease, Dr Theng said.

“Activation of this (IL-36) pathway leads to inflammation, and this can cause systemic symptoms seen in GPP,” he said.

Stress, certain medications, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or sudden withdrawal from steroids, for example, may also trigger GPP.

Patient advocate Emmylou Casanova, 46, who has been living with GPP for almost two decades, said that the condition has affected all aspects of her life. Severe episodes have left her bedridden, affecting her emotionally and financially.

Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis, but it is a distinctly different disease from GPP.

With GPP, symptoms are more than just skin-deep. It is not uncommon for patients to require emergency hospital care whenever they get a flare-up.

Alongside skin symptoms, Dr Theng said that patients also experience systemic features such as fever, headaches, extreme tiredness, joint pain and muscle weakness — features not typically seen in the more common form of psoriasis.

“Patients can become septic and have low blood pressure, and this can be life-threatening. GPP can also cause organ damage, for example, to the liver, lungs, heart and kidney,” he added.

Dr Theng has observed that many patients turn to alternative medicine, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, or try different types of home remedies advised by well-meaning family or friends.

“Unfortunately, most of these treatments do not work, and some treatments can irritate and aggravate the skin condition. Furthermore, this can lead to a delay in seeking proper medical treatment, which can have devastating consequences for the patient,” he said.


While some patients may require treatment only when the disease flares, others may need to be on treatment for life.

Dr Theng said that the goal of treatment is to make symptoms less severe so that patients can heal faster, resume their daily activities, and avoid complications that may require hospitalisation.

Traditional treatments for GPP include oral medications (such as methotrexate, acitretin and cyclosporine) that can control the disease.

Not all patients respond optimally to the treatments either.

The latest treatment for psoriasis involves the use of biologic treatments (such as TNF-alpha inhibitors, IL17a inhibitor and IL23 inhibitors) that are approved for plaque psoriasis, but have been used in GPP with good success, Dr Theng added.

Biological therapy works by targeting the parts of the immune system that are triggering inflammation that causes diseases such as autoimmune disorders.

Dr Theng said: “There are now new biologic treatments for psoriasis that have been specifically developed for pustular psoriasis. They target the IL36 receptor, which is a key player in the pathway that drives GPP, and have been found to be very effective and safe.

“So, there may be more opportunities to help control flares in the future.” 

For Ms Mei, treatment has helped control her symptoms, allowing her to continue with her daily activities and work. However, her search for an effective treatment has come at a cost to her fertility.

In 2016, while seeking treatment in Indonesia, she was prescribed a medication called methotrexate that reduces the overactivity of the immune system.

Dr Theng said that the medication, which is now among the treatment options for GPP, should not be given to women who are planning to get pregnant because it can cause miscarriages and affect the normal development of the foetus.

Ms Mei said that her menstrual periods stopped after taking the medication for six months, affecting her ability to conceive after her marriage to a Singaporean warehouse assistant in 2018.

“I still hope to have a child. Every Mothers’ Day, I’ll always feel sad.”

Her husband, Mr Roslan Mohamed, 53, said: “Having a child is important to us, but what to do? Maybe there will be a miracle.”

For people who psoriasis, these are resources they can turn to for support and information:

The Psoriasis Association of Singapore – www.psoriasis.org.sg, email psoriasissg [at] gmail.comThe International Federation of Psoriasis Associations –  www.ifpa-pso.comThe International Psoriasis Council – www.psoriasiscouncil.org