Home voices Is an art career ‘pointless’? TODAY readers weigh in on comment by photographer, 19, who aced subject in A-Levels

Is an art career ‘pointless’? TODAY readers weigh in on comment by photographer, 19, who aced subject in A-Levels

Is an art career ‘pointless’? TODAY readers weigh in on comment by photographer, 19, who aced subject in A-Levels
Published February 23, 2023 Updated March 6, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

Is an art career “pointless”? TODAY readers discussed this topic last week after a 19-year-old student photographer aced the subject in her A-Level examination and landed an offer to pursue fine arts in London.

St Andrew’s Junior College student Yvette Lim, who received an A in H2 Art, said she remembers being told by others that it was pointless choosing art as a career — something she disagrees with.

Many readers supported her position, saying that there was indeed value in art. Others wrote about their own passion for the arts, and cheered Miss Lim’s success. However, a handful offered a reality check, saying her choice was risky as artists often struggled to make a living. Here’s a selection of comments:



“Her interest and pursuit in art has brought her international recognition and now this will silence critics who cast negativity on her career path.” HANGWAH LIM

“The outdated notion that ‘arts’ was only painting and playing (the) violin has luckily finally been debunked in Asia. Marketing, web design et cetera are highly paid areas of the workforce, usually with better, more ‘liberal’ working conditions.” HENRY GEE

“I recall my Primary 2 relief teacher complimenting me on my music, then I remembered how much my mom emphasised on music having no future. Now, I don’t even know how to read any music notes or appreciate classical music.” LYNN KAYLEN

“Chase your dreams and you will go far. Pursuing arts is definitely the road less travelled. It’s also a blessing that you have understanding and supportive parents. It’s never easy. My daughter loves art and I hope she can be like you too.” MEOW LING TAN


“Art is not pointless. But when you have a family to feed, reality sets in. Art doesn’t make you money, unless you are Yayoi Kusama. Even if you are, at some point, you’ll still need to fall back on, mostly distasteful, commercial projects and jobs to maintain your keep. I work in the creative industry, and this is the reality.” PETER PANG