Home world At Bukit Jalil, Malaysians stand with Palestinians against ‘what is wrong in this world’

At Bukit Jalil, Malaysians stand with Palestinians against ‘what is wrong in this world’

At Bukit Jalil, Malaysians stand with Palestinians against ‘what is wrong in this world’
Published October 25, 2023 Updated October 25, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

KUALA LUMPUR — It might have been a wet, rainy workday, but this did not put off the thousands who made their way to the Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil for the Malaysia Stands with Palestine Rally on Tuesday night (Oct 25).

People from all walks of life, races and religions began to gather from as early as 5pm, well ahead of the event’s official 7.30pm start time, in a determined show of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Many in the crowd were clad in white and held the Palestinian flag as well as the Jalur Gemilang high above their heads.

Although chants of “Allahu Akbar” could be heard amid the steady chorus of “Free Palestine”, many whom Malay Mail spoke to didn’t think that the ongoing Israel-Hamas war was a religious one.

Ms Siti Baizurah, 46, for one said she thinks that Israel is using religion as an excuse to take over Palestinian land.

Clearly frustrated by the current state of affairs, she asked, “Why are the world leaders all quiet?”

Echoing the same sentiment was Mr Thiruselvam, 50, who called for the United Nations to intervene.

“The UN must open their eyes. Are they sleeping? The UN must be very strict on this. The UN is doing nothing.

“I pity the innocent people. I hope the war will stop,” he said, noting that ordinary people can only go out and rally in support of the Palestinian cause.

It was apparent that this sense of helplessness had prompted many present tonight to go out and rally.

“There is not much that we can do other than show our support.

“This is the best time for me to be among people who are standing up for what is wrong in this world,” said 24-year-old Mr Gerald Jethro.

Last night, the rally commenced with mass Maghrib prayers and solat hajat to pray for the wellbeing of the people of Palestine.

This was followed by a series of speeches on the history and developments of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, including by Palestinian ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali.

At approximately 9.30pm, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim arrived at Axiata Arena to address the rally, fresh off a flight from Egypt following a two-day working visit to the country.

He gave an impassioned speech denouncing the apparent hypocrisy of the West in their attitude towards the conflict.

“The level of aggression has reached the level of insanity. Women and children are butchered, hospitals and schools have been bombed. Where is the justice, humanity, and democratic rights that the West is talking about?

“Palestinians need to be treated as human beings too!” he said.

Yesterday, Mr Anwar issued an invitation to all Malaysians, calling for them to rally in support of Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The recent clashes in Palestine involving Hamas, the ruling authority in Gaza, and the Israeli regime have resulted in the loss of thousands of lives on both sides since October 7. MALAY MAIL