Home brand spotlight The right logistics partner: A game-changer in the ‘shoppertainment’ age

The right logistics partner: A game-changer in the ‘shoppertainment’ age

The right logistics partner: A game-changer in the ‘shoppertainment’ age

Brand Studio
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“Shoppertainment” – blending entertainment with online shopping – has proven to be an effective strategy for driving sales online. Consumer engagement is key, and nothing seems to foster engagement better than social media. The move to selling directly on these platforms has been both organic and lucrative – Forbes magazine last year estimated social commerce to be worth US$1.2 trillion (S$1.6 trillion) globally.

TikTok is one of the latest to harness the power of that wave, with the launch of its retail arm – TikTok Shop – last year. AFTERSHOCK PC, a custom personal computer builder, was quick among Singapore businesses to grab the opportunity. “The best part about selling on TikTok Shop is how it is integrated with the in-feed content, subtly and unassumingly appearing on audiences’ For You page,” said Mr Jonathan Teo, AFTERSHOCK PC’s marketing lead.

TikTok Shop’s Affiliate Program also enables e-commerce businesses to sell another company’s products and offers support and training to creators.

“My account manager and creator manager go to great lengths to help me,” said Ms Wix. “Due to my hectic schedule, I once could not make it to a certain location for my livestream. My account manager brought the products to me instead, so we could carry out the livestream without hiccups.”

Above all, AFTERSHOCK PC and Ms Wix prize the ability to interact directly with their customers. “We feel more connected to our audiences when we do livestreams,” said Mr Teo. “In the past, we could only address our customers’ concerns when we met them in person. Livestreaming bridges that barrier, allowing us to interact and engage with them virtually ‘in person’.”