Home gen y speaks Gen Y Speaks: I became a delivery driver to support my kids as a single mum. I didn't expect to fall in love with the job

Gen Y Speaks: I became a delivery driver to support my kids as a single mum. I didn't expect to fall in love with the job

Gen Y Speaks: I became a delivery driver to support my kids as a single mum. I didn't expect to fall in love with the job

Juliana Jorimi

In 2018, my son was diagnosed with a flesh-eating bacteria known as Group A streptococcus. What started as a mark as small as a mosquito bite turned into a lifelong health commitment.

My son’s health crisis involved weeks in the hospital, some of which were spent in the intensive care unit. This year, he went through a below-knee amputation, learning to walk with his new prosthetic leg while undergoing regular physiotherapy.

My child’s welfare became my top priority during this time, and I was determined to find a way to balance work and care for him. I started bringing him along on my deliveries when needed, ensuring he was occupied with books and toys.

Interestingly, customers at pickup points almost never questioned his presence. Instead, they would often engage with him, making us feel welcomed and supported.

There were days when my son was in pain and I couldn’t fulfil a full seven-hour shift, but the relief of being able to be there for him while at work was priceless. Being able to take days off and plan my schedule around deliveries is something I couldn’t have achieved in other lines of work such as a nine-to-five.

Of course, there are challenging days in my delivery journey where frustration takes hold — but even these are valuable moments that have significantly enhanced my sense of empathy.

We are all humans, and we all have our rough days where we aren’t at our best. These experiences have taught me to extend patience and empathy to people I meet each day, even if I may only encounter them for a moment.


Being a present mother remains extremely important to me. Having lost my own mother a few years ago, I vowed to be there for my children in their times of need. I want them to feel secure and supported as they navigate the whirlwind of life and grow into their own persons.