Home singapore COE premiums for large car and Open categories hit record highs for 6th straight exercise

COE premiums for large car and Open categories hit record highs for 6th straight exercise

COE premiums for large car and Open categories hit record highs for 6th straight exercise
Published October 18, 2023 Updated October 18, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — Certificate of Entitlement (COE) prices for large cars hit a record high for the sixth straight time after crossing the S$150,000 mark at the end of the latest bidding exercise on Wednesday (Oct 18).

COE premiums for those in the Open category also hit fresh record highs for the sixth straight exercise.

Prices for the Open category, which can be used for any type of vehicle except motorcycles, crossed the S$150,000 level at the last exercise and hit a fresh record high on Wednesday.

Large cars (above 1,600cc or 97kW) or fully electric cars with output over 110kW saw premiums jump from the previous high of S$146,002 to S$150,001.

In the Open category, premiums jumped 3.95 per cent from S$152,000 to S$158,004.

Premiums for small cars (up to 1,600cc & 97kW) or fully electric cars with output of up to 110kW also hit new highs, with prices rising 1.92 per cent from S$104,000 to S$106,000. The previous high of S$105,000 was set two exercises ago in September.

Bucking the trend, prices of goods vehicles and buses category fell by 1.29 per cent, from S$85,900 to S$84,790.

In the motorcycle category, premiums went up to S$11,201, compared to S$10,856 in the previous bidding exercise.

A total of 2,697 bids were received for a total quota of 2,023 available COEs.


Cat A (Cars up to 1,600cc & 97kW or fully electric cars with output of up to 110kW): S$106,000 (up from S$104,000)Cat B (Cars above 1,600cc or 97kW or fully electric cars with output over 110kW): S$150,001 (up from S$146,002)Cat C (Goods vehicles and buses): S$84,790 (down from S$85,900)Cat D (Motorcycles): S$11,201 (up from S$10,856)Cat E (Open category): S$158,004 (up from S$152,000)

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article said that the COE prices for small cars on Wednesday hit a record high for the sixth straight exercise. This is incorrect. Wednesday’s COE prices for small cars broke a record set two exercises ago. We are sorry for the error.