Home singapore 2 weeks' jail for man who sped on mobility scooter while drunk, injuring 2 people

2 weeks' jail for man who sped on mobility scooter while drunk, injuring 2 people

2 weeks' jail for man who sped on mobility scooter while drunk, injuring 2 people
Hui Sai Mun was drunk when he was speeding on his mobility scooterHe hit a couple who had stopped their mobility scooter for him to passInstead of stopping after the couple fell, Hui sped off and was later found lying on a pavementAs a result of the collision, the couple suffered injuries, which included a left ankle fractureHui was sentenced to two weeks’ jail

By Jasmine Ong Published December 15, 2023 Updated December 15, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — While intoxicated, Hui Sai Mun continued to ride his personal mobility aid at a fast speed and struck a couple who had stopped their mobility unit for him to pass, resulting in one of them fracturing an ankle.

Hui, a 57-year-old Singaporean, was sentenced to two weeks’ jail on Friday (Dec 15) after he pleaded guilty to causing hurt by a rash act that endangered the personal safety of Mr New Ah Chew, 51, and Madam Wei Xiaohui, 42.

Another charge for becoming drunk and incapable of taking care of himself in a public place was taken into consideration during sentencing.

The court heard that on the evening of May 27 last year, Mr New and his wife were travelling on a mobility scooter along a pavement near Block 165 Yishun Ring Road.

These mobility units are typically motorised wheelchairs and mobility scooters designed and intended to carry a person who has difficulty walking.

Mr New was operating the scooter while his wife was in the passenger’s seat.

Investigations revealed that the couple noticed Hui travelling on his mobility scooter at a very fast speed in the opposite direction.

On his wife’s instructions, Mr New stopped his scooter on the side of the pavement to allow Hui to pass.

However, Hui did not slow down and maintained his speed, eventually hitting the left side of Mr New’s scooter, causing it to flip to the side and sending both victims to the ground.

The collision was heard by Mr Muhammad Hafeez Raimi and his friends who went over to help the couple.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Yeo Zhen Xiong said that Hui, on the other hand, did not stop and was observed by Mr Hafeez to have sped up instead.

Mr Hafeez and his friends chased after Hui but lost sight of him.

After a search of the area, Mr Hafeez spotted Hui lying on the pavement about 1km away on Yishun Avenue 2.

This was when Mr Hafeez called the police.

As a result of Hui’s rash act, Mr New suffered swelling and a left ankle fracture while his wife sustained bruises over her left lower leg and mild tenderness over her left toes.

Seeking a jail term of between two and four weeks, DPP Yeo said that the injuries caused to both victims, in particular Mr New’s ankle fracture, was a cause of grievous hurt.

He also said that Hui’s intoxication was particularly aggravating since it was clear that he was incapable of taking care of himself but chose to operate the mobility scooter.

Representing Hui, defence counsel Lee Chuan sought one to two weeks’ jail for his client and urged the court to exercise leniency on account that Hui was the sole caregiver for his terminally ill wife.

Mr Lee also said that his client was deeply remorseful and hoped to make payment to the victims for their medical fees.

For causing hurt to a person by doing a rash act, Hui could have been jailed for up to one year or fined up to S$5,000, or both.