Home singapore Woman assisting with police investigations after placing placards outside Israeli embassy in Singapore

Woman assisting with police investigations after placing placards outside Israeli embassy in Singapore

Woman assisting with police investigations after placing placards outside Israeli embassy in Singapore
Published December 14, 2023 Updated December 14, 2023 Bookmark Bookmark Share WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn

SINGAPORE — A woman is assisting with police investigations after she was seen placing placards at the entrance of the Israeli embassy in Singapore.

The police received a call for assistance at the embassy at about 10.10pm on Monday (Dec 11), they said on Wednesday in response to queries from CNA. 

“A woman was spotted allegedly placing placards at the entrance of the embassy and taking pictures before subsequently leaving,” said the police.

“The 20-year-old woman was identified by the police and is assisting with investigations under Section 16(2) of the Public Order Act 2009.”

Investigations are ongoing.

Photos of the incident, which were posted by the woman on Instagram and reposted on X, formerly Twitter, show placards with messages about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. 

The two placards read “Free Palestine” and “Ceasefire – Cease all trade with Israel now!”.

The woman added text to one photo that said she was “sitting outside a security checkpoint outside the embassy”.

In October, the police and the National Parks Board said that events and public assemblies related to the war would not be permitted due to public safety and security concerns.

The police reiterated at the time that public assemblies in Singapore are regulated under the Public Order Act 2009, and that organising or participating in one without a police permit is an offence under the Act.

SPF said that it will not grant permits for assemblies that advocate political causes of other countries or foreign entities, or have the potential to stir emotions and lead to public order incidents. CNA

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